Monday, July 28, 2008


Ever wonder why your Anti Virus detects a virus in your autorun.inf whenever you insert your removable disk (USB, flash drive, et.) but it can’t disinfect it nor delete it or if you’re having a hard time accessing drives? Tried deleting it manually but you can’t find the file?

Autorun.inf is hidden and it can’t be remove or disinfected by Anti virus. And you try finding the autorun.inf file but failed even if you select to show all files from folder option?

Here’s what you need to do…

  1. Boot your system in Safemode
  2. Open your flash drive via Command Prompt (do this via Start->Run->cmd.exe).
  3. Change your logged drive to your USB flash drive (e.g. if your flash drive is at drive E: then type E: on the command prompt then press enter)
  4. Type ATTRIB -H -R -S AUTORUN.INF then press enter

After reboot, you can now access your drive.


To check if your system is infected by the said virus without using an antivirus, do the following steps:

  1. Go to command prompt.
  2. Type CD\ in drive C to go the root directory
  3. Type DIR /AH and press ENTER key. This will display all hidden files in your drive C
  4. If you see a file AUTORUN.INF and a folder Recycled, then your system is infected.
  5. Try doing this to your USB drive and check if your USB stick contains the same folder and AUTORUN.INF, if it does then your system is really infected..